20% Off: Best Practices Review
20% Off: Best Practices Review
Forward-46, Inc.
Forward-46 is happy to offer Chamber members over 20% savings on the opportunity to benchmark their companies with a Sales and Marketing Best Practices Review.
The process includes 60-90 minutes to get to know aspects of the business and a secondary meeting of similar length to review the 100+ page report in detail. Areas of focus include Lead Generation, Proven and Repeatable Sales Process, Technology, and overall Management. Ratings and comparisons on each, as well as resources, videos and links are included in the customized report.
The report serves as the beginning of a playbook to approaching and improving the sales effort in a process-oriented fashion. Typically $650, the deliverable is available to Chamber members for $500.
Feel free to contact Adam Feck anytime for more info and/or to schedule your Review!

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Promo Code : F46